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About Project WBoil.com + CMS

Project WBoil.com + CMS is a ground up creation to give AMSOIL dealers a professional web site for bold online presence and a custom built Customer Management Software (CMS). All you need is an account to go online with your business, compete against top sites on the net and manage your existing and new customers efficiently and professionally.

AMSOIL business has unique requirements, there are strategies that work and those that don't. WBoil.com is created by an AMSOIL dealer who became an executive direct jobber doing business online. Along the way many tools were created, some worked and some didn't.

WBoil.com + CMS can be considered as "tools that work" in one basket. With WBoil.com dealers can go to business without re-inventing or developing anything from scratch.

Designed for high conversion rate:
With experience we know that a web site has to be "engineered" to convert traffic to dollars. This can only be achieved by understanding visitor's thought process. To sum it up briefly, buying decision arrive when the web site appears to be of a well-managed company. Achieving and fulfilling this criteria is not an easy task even for the experienced web masters. In our opinion this can only be achieved through methodical research & development. To test concepts and refine strategies via real time results takes years to perfect.

WBoil.com gives you just that, many years of work in one turn key package that can go to work and produce. WBoil.com not only works for you but also works for your down line dealers alike.

When you manage your customers with the CMS, your retail accounts and dealers are automatically listed in WBoil.com (you can disable / enable this for each dealer / retailer).

WBoil.com is a platform created for the beginner to the premier direct jobbers that manage thousands of customers. Regardless of where you stand in your AMSOIL business, WBoil.com is the smart future to Promote > Sell > Manage your business.

AMSOIL dealers to be smart, professional and efficient is a must to survive during this economic slowdown. If you own or planning to start an AMSOIL dealership, it pays to explore everything about this product that is designed by an AMSOIL Dealer for AMSOIL dealers.


What do you get with WBoil.com + CMS package?

a. AMSOIL Dealer Web Site (for You and Your Dealers)

  • WBoil.com is an "AMSOIL Dealer Web Site" that can be used "as is" or customized with your own domain name and logo
  • WBoil.com can be distributed to your down line dealers, they can also customize it with their own domain name and logo.
  • Dealers can edit and customize their web site home page and also author and publish new web pages. Refer Help Page for more details about the Content Authoring Platform.
  • WBoil.com is engineered for high conversion rate to achieve highest return on investment (ROI) for advertisement campaigns and web site traffic promotions.


b. Customer Management Software (CMS)

  • CMS is a powerful database driven web application built to manage all of your AMSOIL customers.
  • CMS is built with a professional email interface allowing you to quickly send emails to your customers (you can also broadcast emails to specified group of customers).
  • CMS email interface can attach AMSOIL documents such as Price List, Credit Application Forms etc.
  • CMS tracks all the outgoing emails and attachments (customer log shows the time and date when the email or the attachment is opened)
  • CMS automatically adds header and footer to the email for security authentication which wins customer trust
  • CMS integrates with Gmail. All outgoing emails from CMS can be configured to show up in the gmail sent folder.
  • We will help you to import all your existing customer into your CMS account (for dealer who have more than 50 customers).

Creating an Account, CMS Packages & System Requirements

Creating an Account & CMS Package

To create an account, you should be a Registered AMSOIL Dealer.

Choose a package that is right for your current dealership size.

A CMS user can manage unlimited number of customers. However the pricing is based on the number of dealers and retailers you will input into the CMS system.

By default, your dealers and retailers are listed (advertised) in WBoil.com. To learn more about WBoil.com listing features refer to "Listing Your Dealers & Retailers" under "Detailed Information About WBoil.com, The Customizable Web Site"

Note: We will support you with importing existing customers into your CMS account database (applies to dealers that have 50+ customers).


CMS System Requirements:

CMS is an application that runs in your web browser.

A compatible browser is all you need in terms of system requirements.

Compatible Browsers:

  1. Firefox Developer's first choice
  2. Google Chrome Developer's second choice

Both of these browsers are free to download and use. These browsers are developed to run web applications like CMS, they have better performance and security. If you have not used these browsers, try it and it'll become your preferred browser.

Note: Internet Explorer is not compatible with CMS.


Detailed Information About WBoil.com, The Customizable Web Site

Site Ownership Features

> What is Site Ownership?

The dealer web site assigned to you is built around advanced concepts.

It works for you in variety of settings and scenarios.

The term "Site Ownership" refers to such settings when the entire site belongs to you.

The Dealer Web Site Assigned to You can be Accessed in Two Ways.

  1. Through Your Own Domain Name
  2. Through Your Site Ownership Link

When your web site receives traffic through your domain name or through the ownership link, every aspect of the web site works for the web site owner. This includes online shopping links, contact us forms, wholesale account application forms etc.

You also receive Free Site Ownership in the following three scenarios.

  1. When new traffic enters WBoil.com via your dealer listing
  2. When new traffic enters WBoil.com via your retailer listing
  3. When new traffic enters WBoil.com via articles you publish*

*Refer "Content Authoring & Publishing Platform" under "Detailed Information About CMS, The Management Software"

Site Ownership can be verified by looking at the top banner "Independent AMSOIL Dealer" name.

Custom Toll Free Phone & Fax Numbers: WBoil.com comes with its own default toll free phone & fax numbers, since it is a component that enables higher conversion of a web site. However this can be replaced with your own toll free phone and fax numbers. Just add it into your profile from your CMS account and it will be immediately displayed in your web site.

Custom Logo: Option to have your own logo.

Similar to having your own domain name, you can also have your own custom logo. If you set up a custom logo, your logo is displayed instead of WBoil.com logo, further enabling you to create your own business identity.

When you register for WBoil.com + CMS account, you get FREE domain name registration or transfer and 74% discount on custom logo design. For more details, log into your CMS account and open "My Account" window and click on "Domain Name and Custom Logo" for details.

Note: It is strongly recommended to promote your web site with your own domain name and logo.


> Site Ownership using Your Own Domain Name

Your Web Site = Your Domain Name!

When you want to create your own brand image with your own domain name, WBoil.com will transform itself to look like your personal web site without account numbers embedded in the url.

Optional Custom Logo: We have designers that can create matching logo to go with your domain name.

Custom Logo + Domain Features: When you put in place your own domain name and logo, your web site footer copyright message will show your domain name instead of wboil.com. Secondly, when the user clicks on "Bookmark This Page", your domain name will be book marked instead of wboil.com. Third visible feature is the logo link will point to your domain name instead of wboil.com

Note: CMS users get FREE domain registration / transfer and discounted rates for custom logo design. Just log into your CMS account and open "My Account" window and click on "Domain Name and Custom Logo" for details. Logo designer will create a logo to your satisfaction and have it incorporated into your web site.

> Site Ownership using Your Ownership Link

Basic Linking:

If the purpose is to promote your web site via online ads and pay per click marketing, basic ownership link will get the job done quite well.

WBoil.com has the ability to remember site ownership / traffic association with site owner for 1 year. This is achieved by using client side and server side tracking technology. Therefore when such traffic / visitors generated by you visit WBoil.com on a later date, you will still be the site owner benefiting from the sale.

Every measure and technology has been adopted to ensure site ownership accuracy and association while maintaining a professional look and feel for the end user.

Site ownership link Options:

http://wboil.com/zozozoz (replace zozozoz with respective dealer ZO number)

To register your Site Name, visit http://wboil.com/1536032/admin/account/

> Free Search Engine Traffic

There are three ways your site can receive free traffic, for which you are the site owner as if the traffic was generated by you via your domain or ownership link.

First two ways to generate free traffic is by listing your down line dealers and retailers. When these pages hosted at WBoil.com generates traffic (via a search engine or other means) the site automatically sets the listing dealer as the site owner enjoying free traffic and potential conversion to new customers.

Third way is to author and publish articles (web pages). Articles should be automotive and lubrication related. When these articles generate traffic the author benefits from these free targeted traffic and sales.

For example, if you write an article related to sludge issues in Toyota Echo and the advantages to switch to AMSOIL. This article will attract individuals searching for solutions for their cars. When they see a useful article they become motivated to try the product thus becoming your new customer.

One such article that you write will generate traffic for years to come. If you right many relevant and useful articles you can generate lot of FREE traffic and sales.

Note: Content authoring platform is different from CMS login. This platform is available for ALL site users regardless of CMS account. This allows you and your down line dealers (who receives free WBoil.com web site from you) to author content and generate traffic and sales.


Listing Your Dealers & Retailers

> Listing Your Down Line Dealers & Retailers

One of the finest feature of WBoil.com + CMS is the ability to market your dealers and retailers. By default your dealers and retailers are listed in WBoil.com, a map page is also automatically created and indexed into search engines such as google, yahoo & msn.

These listing and map pages starts generating additional sales volume for your accounts, thus increasing your sales volume.

Use this marketing and free advertising as a closing tool to sign up more retail on the shelf accounts (ROTS). Business owners understand the value of advertising and the fact that it does not come cheap. Companies like yellow pages charge hundreds or sometimes even thousands of dollars for online listing.

Free Traffic When You List Dealer & Retailers: When you add dealers and retailers into your CMS account, and when the "Go Live" option is enabled, each of these listing generate a unique web page in the WBoil.com server. These unique listing map pages are then submitted to major search engines for indexing. Indexed pages start receiving free traffic.

Click here to see dealership listing and map page
Click here to see retail account listing and map page

Note: Above listing pages will be drastically modified and updated when the database reaches a certain number of entries.

Benefits for Your Down Line Dealer: When down line dealers are added to your CMS account, a FREE dealer web site is automatically generated for them. With this feature you can now provide your down line dealers with their own dealer web site. They also enjoy all the features of WBoil.com, like custom domain name, logo etc.

> Free Traffic & Site Ownership with Your Listing

Free Traffic & "Site Ownership" via Search Engine Natural Traffic:

The dealership and retail account map pages hosted by WBoil.com in a way belong to you the listing dealer.

For example if you have listed a retail account in Abbeville, Alabama; WBoil.com will optimize and present this listing to all the major search engines like google, yahoo & msn. Once the search engine indexing process is complete, there is a high potential for your listing to show right on top for relevant searches such as "AMSOIL in Abbeville, Alabama".

When traffic enters WBoil.com via a listing owned by you, the site automatically sets you as the site owner. When these visitors decide to purchase oil online or become a preferred customer or submit a contact form for a wholesale account, all of it goes to you (site owner), the listing dealer.

The same process applies to your down line dealership listing. However the difference is, the site ownership is set to that listed down line dealer instead of you. This feature actively promotes your down line dealers encouraging them to do more business.

This form of traffic is referred as free search engine traffic or naturalized traffic. By listing all your dealers and retail accounts, you are participating in natural search engine traffic, automating promotion and business. This is free as long as you remain WBoil.com CMS user.

Refer "Site Ownership Features" for more details.


WBoil.com Shopping Features

Sell Well with WBoil.com!

WBoil.com is designed to provide an easy to use interface. AMSOIL products have grown so much that it is either presented well or the customer leaves the site confused.

WBoil.com adopts menu based products listing for a customer to quickly find what they need, keeping them motivated to purchase online. A customer can also locate other important pages such wholesale accounts easily from any page. Each page has a contact form for the customer to quickly contact the site owner.

WBoil.com hosts over 35,000 pages, it can draw maps and shipping instructions for just about any city in Canada and USA.

WBoil.com also understands the user location providing quick mapping to the closest distribution center. WBoil.com provides everything a shopper needs and it is presented in an easy to use format. http://wboil.com/ship

If you come across AMSOIL sites with better features, all you have to do is submit a request to our support team and we will review and implement any useful features to stay on top. As a site owner you are not alone, a support team is behind you to back you up in every way possible.


Understanding the need for a high conversion web site

A web site is an electronic business card. A tool every business and every dealership should own.

However owning a web site is just the beginning or the first step. The second step is traffic. A web site that gets no traffic is like a business card kept inside the wallet. Today there are several ways to generate targeted traffic. Some of the easiest and instant way to generate traffic is PPC (pay per click) marketing. The second way of getting traffic is by optimizing to receive natural traffic from search engines (free traffic). We will give guidelines to generate traffic, we will eventually run a forum dedicated for dealers to discuss variety of strategies.

The third step, probably the most important step will be converting traffic to dollars. If a site doesn't have the capabilities to convert, then the above two steps are waste of time and money (if you adopt PPC without conversion, it is like throwing away money).

When does conversion occur? Conversion occurs when the web site wins over a customers trust and convinces them to do business with you.

It takes amazing amount of work and research to achieve the above criteria. But when achieved it becomes a cash machine that converts day and night.

The developer of WBoil.com achieved the above through hundreds, perhaps thousands of hours of research and development. While the developer of WBoil.com perfecting web technologies, conversion rates and growth, his own dealership, grew from scratch to executive DJ status in fraction of the time in comparison to dealers working through conventional means.

WBoil.com is a project backed with 5 years of research and development. It is now available to you as a turnkey product ready to work.



Detailed Information About CMS, The Management Software

Overview of Customer Management Software (CMS)

WBoil.com CMS is a web based customer management software. Giving the freedom to take your business anywhere you go. CMS gives quick access to your entire customer database, their profile, notes, email interface and your web site traffic activities in an easy to use, professionally built software.

Even though this software runs out of your web browser, most of the interface opens like "windows" within your browser, allowing you to do all the work right there without having to navigate to external pages.

CMS interface technology is similar to Gmail. The developer of CMS has taken the technology a step further to provide the user with amazing simplicity.

Our main goal is to make boring every day tasks more interesting and super simple. We want you to look forward to login and work rather than put the work for a later time. We have received positive reviews by test users (AMSOIL dealers like yourself) fulfilling our design goals.

Some of the unique features:

• Store and Manage all of your AMSOIL customers in one place.
• Power full Search function
• Send professional looking emails
• Attach frequently used AMSOIL Documents with a click
• Real time Email Tracking, Know exactly when the Emails and Attachments are opened
• Easy to use email template functions, enjoy unlimited email templates
• Easy to use Email Broadcasting, compose and send emails to all your accounts
• Power full & real time web site traffic log software.
• Content Authoring Platform. Publish articles and get free traffic (under development...)

CMS Main Interface Screen Shot

CMS Email Features Overview

> CMS Email Interface

The email interface is placed along site of the customer profile. At a glance you will have the entire customer details, email logs and notes.

The email interface is opened by clicking on the account ZO number. Like how these interface open downwards, the entire customer profile and email interface drops down allowing you to update and or send emails.

Email interface is pre-filled with all the common information like To, From, Email greeting and Email Signature. Just type your subject and message, attach any documents and send it out.

If you set a session email template, then the email interface will also pre-load the Subject and Message from the selected template. After which all you have to do is just click on "Send Email"!

Email From Name: You can customize email "From Name". When emails are sent the recipient will see this name instead of the default First name Last name.

Email Greeting: You can customize email greeting. Default is "Dear First name,". You can change this to fit your style and approach.

Email Signature: You can create, edit and manage your email signature, which will automatically load in the email interface.

Email From Name, Greeting and Signature settings are access from "eMail Functions" window.

> Outgoing Email Layout & Features

Outgoing Emails are Formatted Before Being Sent.

The end result is emails that look more professional than that from a large corporation. These professional emails wins customer confidence and thus promote sales.

CMS ads header and footer to your email, this is done automatically in the background. The header contains the customers Name (Company name if available) and WBoil.com logo (this is replaced, if you have your own logo).

Display of the logo serves 3 purposes. One is to give an authenticate look confirming email authenticity, secondly to initiate image based email tracking and third is to confirm and re-establish server based site ownership.

Attached AMSOIL documents are added below the email signature. When the recipient views one or more of the attached files, it is logged with document name, date and time.


> Email Management and Gmail Integration

How to Manage Emails Sent from CMS Account?

When your CMS account is setup, we automatically create your own @wboil.com email address. This email is used as your outgoing email address.

The use of @wboil.com email id is a technical necessity for optimal email deliver to inbox instead of spam folder.

However your CMS account is not a "standalone email client".

Your CMS account and your existing email account works together.

You will receive all your emails as usual to your own email address while using CMS to send emails to your AMSOIL customers.

A copy of all emails sent out from your CMS account is copied (BCC) to your regular email address for your records.

When your customers reply to your new @wboil.com email id, it is automatically forwarded to your existing email address "you@youremail.com"

From above it is understood that you can use any email address with your CMS account.

Gmail Integration:

If you are a current Gmail user, the following is happy news. Or else we highly recommend to sign up for a Gmail account to use with your CMS account.

Gmail is one of the best email system available. It has almost unlimited storage and easy to use interface.

You can also add your @wboil.com email addresses to your Gmail account. Within your Gmail account, go to Settings > Accounts > "Add another email address you own". Here add your @wboil.com email address.

Once your @wboil.com email id is added into your Gmail account, every time you send emails from CMS, a copy of this email will be stored in your Gmail "Sent Mail" folder!

In other words, you will be able to effectively manage all your incoming and outgoing emails in one email account.

Note: If you change your email address from the time of sign up, it has to be updated in your CMS account. So that your @wboil.com emails can be forwarded to the new email address. To update your email address login to your CMS account. open "My Account" window and click "Account Updates" to edit your email address.


> Email Tracking System

The significant advantage of using your CMS to send email is the control, ease and tracking. This tool gives deeper insight for effective communication. This tool gives you the intelligence that didn't exist before.

The system logs every outgoing email with its subject and time. Then when your email is opened or when the attachments are opened it logs everything with time. You do not need to be logged into your CMS for email activities to be logged. It is carried out at the server level. When you log in to your account or when you refresh your main page, all the accounts that had log activities are listed on top.

Customer's sent email count and email hits are displayed in counter format for quick glance without having to open customer profile.

> Attaching AMSOIL Documents to Email & Tracking

Discover a new and powerful way to attach files to your email!

Every day email tasks include attaching all kinds of AMSOIL documents, such as price list, dealer application form, ordering information, credit application etc.

With CMS you no longer have to attach and upload files to the email server. Just point and click to select the documents that need to be attached.

The CMS sends out these attachments as custom links. These attachments are delivered to the customer via a dedicated "Email File Server". While serving this file, the system logs the download into the customer log. So you will know if the email and or the attachment is opened or not. If not opened you can direct your time to follow up.

There are variety of legitimate reasons for a customer not to receive your emails (from any system). When you have tracking technology, you can use your time to follow up only with customers that did not read your email. This takes away the guessing work and saves time.

> Product Links in Email & Tracking

From time to time, it is necessary to email customers product links. If you do not have your own web site and or if that web site do not have every product listed then the only option is to email the customer a amsoil.com product link.

Even if you invest the time to build the link to amsoil containing your ZO etc., it is not an exact science when you direct traffic to amsoil.com. Unlike WBoil.com, amsoil.com DO NOT remember your association with that customer after few hours or if the customer closes the browser and opens a new window to shop. Such sales are randomly assigned to dealers who did not work for it.

So we have developed a fool proof way to conveniently email product links to your customers & leads. Look at the picture, the email interface has a "Get Link" button. Just type the product code and click "Get Link". A small window will pop up to reveal the HTML code. Simply copy and paste it into the email where you want the link to appear. The sample code shown in the image will appear to the email recipient link this: 20W-50 Premium Protection Motor Oil (ARO)

Additionally, when the email recipient click on that link, a dedicated "Email Link Server" serves the appropriate page while entering the product link click through in the respective email log as well as set (or renew) site ownership. If this email is forwarded to a friend and when they click through to the product page the site ownership will be set to you. All of these processes is instantly carried out in the background.

> Unlimited Email Templates

10 Free Email Templates with Your CMS Account.

CMS allows you to create, store and manage unlimited email templates. To get you started, when you create your CMS account we give you 10 free email templates covering everyday business activities. These free templates are part of your account and they can be edited or even deleted is required.

Templates saves time and makes managing your repetitive email tasks a breeze. Once templates are created, you can select a template as the session template from the "eMail Functions". Once this is set, the selected template loads into the customer email interface automatically.

For example if you need to email few leads, choose the appropriate template. Then click on customer account number(s) to whom you want to send email(s), when the customer's profile and email interface loads, you will see that the selected email template is pre loaded into that customers email interface. At this point you can further edit the email if required, attach price list or other documents if required and then click Send Email.

Creating & Managing Email Templates:

Email templates are managed from the template window. To open the template window click on "eMail Functions" >> "Set eMail Template >> Edit Manage Email Template"

From the template window click on the desired template to edit or click on "Add New Email Template" to create a new one. Once an email template is saved or updated, it becomes available for immediate use. Just set it from "eMail Functions" and start using it.

Note: Email templates do not require "Dear first name" or your "email signature", they are added automatically in the email interface.

> Pre - Programmed Email Template Variables

CMS allows using Pre - Programmed Template Variables.

This system allows you to send advanced emails containing "Account Specific" information via email templates.


1. You can create an email template for New Commercial Account with the subject:
"AMSOIL Commercial account number for {acc_cname} is {acc_no}"

2. You can create an email template for New Leads with message:
"A retail product catalog has been mailed to the following address:
{acc_add1}, {acc_add2}, {acc_city}, {acc_state}, {acc_zip}"

When these templates are loaded within a customer profile, all of these variables are automatically converted to "Account Specific" information. This makes the outgoing emails personalized and informative.

Here is the full list of currently available email template variables. If you need more variables, contact support for consideration.

Pre - Programmed Template Variables
{acc_no} Acc / Zo Number
{acc_name} First Name
{acc_lname} Last Name
{acc_cname} Company / Business Name
{acc_add1} {acc_add2} Address 1 & 2
{acc_city} City
{acc_state} State
{acc_zip} Post / Zip Code
{acc_country} Country
{acc_phone} Phone Number
{acc_email} Email Address


> Email Broadcasting System

What is email broadcasting system?

AMSOIL jobbers have 1000's of customers and it is not possible to send personal email to each customer to announce a new product or to deliver new price list. To make this complex task easy, we have incorporated the email broadcast software into your CMS.

From the email broadcasting window, select the group (like dealers, retailers, preferred customers etc.) to whom you want to mass email, then compose the email or load it from the template, add price list or other AMSOIL documents as required, preview your email and initiate the broadcast.


The broadcast software is purposely designed to take 12 seconds per email. This is to ensure accuracy and proper email delivery. A carbon copy for each of these broadcast email is sent to your regular email address.

The software calculates & informs the expected time requirement to complete broadcast for the selected group. By design, it is required that the browser window is kept open during the broadcast. The window constantly displays current status / activity.


Web Site Traffic Log Software

Your Web Site Traffic Statistics and Detailed Report.

As a web site owner, it is imperative to closely monitor and understand how your traffic generation efforts pan out.

With up to the minute detailed traffic stats you will know which strategies bring in the highest quality traffic. Quickly adopting to methods that bring results.

From your CMS account, you can access your web site traffic log and statistics.

Traffic log opens in a new window since, it is a software on its own.

Within the traffic log software, Traffic Stats window provides up to the minute information like today's, yesterdays, day before yesterdays unique visitors & total hits. It will also show unique visitors & total hits for the last 30 days. tr_log_sml.gif

Traffic Log software provides detailed information about each visitor. From a glance you can see the following details per visitor.

  • Number of pages a visitor has seen.
  • Initial landed time
  • Last activity time
  • Visitors City, State & Country.
  • Visitors landing page
  • Visitors current viewing page
  • Previously viewed page
  • Number of time they visited AMSOIL online store
  • Number of times they clicked to order a catalog
  • & More...

Traffic Log software also incorporates search function.

Analyzing traffic behavior and the actual conversion (new customers) per promotion / marketing campaign will provide deep understanding of the strategies that work. This data and understanding is essential to do business without guess work. You can leave out what doesn't work and put more towards what works.


Content Authoring & Publishing Platform

Quality Content Brings Quality Traffic!

Publish & Earn!

From experience we know the potential of diverse & quality content.

Each AMSOIL dealer brings a wealth of knowledge that is unparallel to any single group. With WBoil.com's content authoring and publishing platform, you can quickly put together a topic (lube industry related) and publish it to the web.

WBoil.com submits these articles to all major search engines. When these articles receive traffic from search engines, the content author is assigned as the site owner.

Eventually your articles will start converting traffic to dollars. This is a process, when it begins it'll go on for years to come. Publish more topics and articles to generate more free traffic and sales.

Note: Content Authoring & Publishing Platform is currently under development. Once completed, this software will be added to your CMS login.



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